Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Create Progress users from QAD file

Fortunately the same encoding is user in QAD and Progress passwords. So you can do the following after the QAD set up is complete.

for each usr_mstr no-lock:
  find _user no-lock where _user._userid = usr_userid no-error.
  if avail _user then next.
  create _user.assign
    _user._user-name = usr_name
    _user._userid = usr_userid
    _user._pass = usr_passwd.

Then you'll still have to use the dictionary admin menu to assign security permissions, etc. All this would really do is prevent an "unknown" user from being able to compile programs which look at tables; it does nothing to secure the application programs. This would be suitable for small shops possibly, but the assumption would be that of no malevolence, usually not good. I believe a better tack would be to only set up developers in this table.


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